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Make sure the power is switched off. Unplug the power cable!
The midiSix device
Disconnect the keyboard connector with black and white cables (CN04 – 16pins). You may have to remove some glue to be able to pull up the connector. Then you insert the midiSix into the connector on the PCB. Start with the processor-board, and then insert the diode-board. Make sure they are connected correctly to the connector pins and that they both get a good connection.
Reconnect the internal keyboard connector on top of the midiSix, on its long pins sticking up. Make sure to connect it correctly on the pins, and that you get it all the way down for a good connection.
In the picture above, you can see the midiSix device installed and the keyboard connector with the white/black cables re-attached on top. You can also see the three connectors for power (blue/red cables), MIDI (black cable) and sync output (grey cable). Study these orientations carefully.
Power cable
Next we need to feed the midiSix with power. We will do that with a similar solution with a connector inserted inbetween the PCB and an existing connector (CN02 – 7pins). This connector is placed a bit left and closer to the back (see pictures). Disconnect, insert the female header with long legs, reconnect the original connector on top. Make sure you get the orientation correct and with good connections for all pins.
Connect the power connector to the processor-board and make sure you get the orientation correct, see pictures. In the pictures, the midiSix power cable is blue/red, where blue is GND and red is +5V.
Make sure you get the orientation correct on both sides of the powercable, for all connectors. The synth has text printed on the pcb that says GND and +5. Make sure the blue cable connects to the GND pin and that the red cable connects to +5. See picture above.
The manikk midiSix has the texts GN and 5V printed on the pcb. Blue is GN (GND) and red is 5V. See picture below.
MIDI and Sync connectors
Now comes the hard part, drilling holes and installing the panel jacks. Use a good tool, lika calipers, for measuring the diameters of the holes you need to drill. Also move any cables that are near the area where you decide to drill your holes. Also prepare for removing drilling-rests and dust immediately, you don’t want that into your synthesizer.
Find a good location for the MIDI-connector and the clock output jack. A good place is near the other output jacks. Drill the holes necessary and make sure to not damage anything while drilling. Also make sure to get rid of every metal piece and dust after you are finished with the drilling. This is extremely important!
Mount the connectors in the holes and connect the two connectors to the processor-board. Make sure to connect each jack to the correct connector. Do not mix them up! See example pictures.
Final touch
You can optionally add som glue on the edges of the connectors if you wish, to have a more robust installation. If you choose to add glue, then do this after all installations and connectors are installed correctly and everything is working. The glue should be applied similar to the glue that you removed when you pulled out the original connectors.
Use plastic stripes to attach loose wires and tidy things up.
Make sure you have removed all metallic drilling-rests completely.
Inspect all cables and your installation so that everything looks good and nothing is damaged by your installation. Also double-check all cable orientations.
The nuts for the jacks can be fixed with some glue or nail-polish.
Start the Polysix and test that everything works.
Set midi channel and root note
At first start-up of the interface you need to find the current midi channel. Hook the synth up to your DAW and play some notes on each midi channel from 1 to 16 until you find the current one. The root note may also be one of any of the available choices, so you have to play the notes at different octaves of your midi-keyboard to find where the active range is.
When you have found the active midi channel and the current root note, you can set your own settings for these two settings, using midi CC or program change messages. See here for the midi implementation. When you change the midi channel or the root note, the changes are saved directly to the internal flash memory of the midiSix. Next time you start the device, it will have your saved settings.