How does the normalizing pins work?
The Otto Passive Mono have pins on the backside for both the jack signals and the normalize/break-signals. The normalize signals are connected to the jack-signals when no plug is inserted in the jack.
The Otto Passive Stereo have stereo jacks instead of mono jacks. The pins on the backside are connected to the tip and ring for all 8 jacks. No normalization functions on the stereo variant.
Some of the 2HP manikk modules are based on the Otto Passive Mono as a front, and has an add-on on the pins on the backside. You can still use the unconnected pins on the backside for normalization. Most often the signal pins are occupied and maybe also the pins for normalizing jack 5 (pins 25+26).
This pin chart applies to the Otto Passive Mono, ADSR Expander, Digital8 Expander and all other manikk modules that have the Otto Passive Mono as front:
1 (top) | Jack signal 1 |
2 | GND |
3 | Jack signal 2 |
4 | GND |
5 | Jack signal 3 |
6 | GND |
7 | Jack signal 4 |
8 | GND |
9 | Jack signal 5 |
10 | GND |
11 | Jack signal 6 |
12 | GND |
13 | Jack signal 7 |
14 | GND |
15 | Jack signal 8 |
16 | GND |
17 | Normalize jack 1 |
18 | GND |
19 | Normalize jack 2 |
20 | GND |
21 | Normalize jack 3 |
22 | GND |
23 | Normalize jack 4 |
24 | GND |
25 | Normalize jack 5 |
26 | GND |
27 | Normalize jack 6 |
28 | GND |
29 | Normalize jack 7 |
30 | GND |
31 | Normalize jack 8 |
32 | GND |
For the stereo version you access the tip on pins 1-16 and the ring on pins 17-32.
As you can see in the table above, the normalize pin for the first/top jack starts on position 17 and its associated GND pin is on position 18.
Normalize pin for jack 2 is on position 19 with its GND-pin on position 20, and so on…
All GND pins are connected to the same ground plane in the module.
You can use female headers or female-to-female dupont cables to make the connections to the pinstrip.
In this picture we have connected dupont cables for normalizing jack5 and it’s GND pin. Pin 25 (red cable) and 26 (brown cable).
Here is an example on how to use two Otto Passive Mono modules and configure them as combined passive multiples and trunk. This is possible by using the normalizing pins.